Torrens Title: This is a colloquial name given to titles to land constituted by statutes, deriving its name from the late Sir Robert Torrens of South Australia, who was not the author of the scheme, but was the one who was able to put the scheme into effect. This method of dealing with titles has spread around the world. In essence, registration of ownership and dealings in land with a Government Department. An example of a Torrens Title to the right; The Description of the land describes the land with reference to a Survey Plan; the First Schedule specifies the registered owners name, the Second Schedule any reservations or conditions (benefiting or effecting easements included)
BE AWARE: Some titles look like a full Torrens Title; however, some are qualified with the words "Sketch By Way of Illustration". The Description of the land is not the subject of a registered survey, being an interpretation of old documents or conveyances that may or may not actually show what land is available. Such Titles DO NOT support Stratum Development.
In Other Words is the name given to the system of registration of land dealings made by governments in Australia and internationally.
A Torrens title is the paramount document of interests and ownership in land and is maintained by government as a single up to date and accurate recording.