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Tasmanian Demographics in Context

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It is considered essential to understand what constitutes Residential and\or Inner City living and Rural or an Outer City environment in Tasmania.
As a purchaser outside of Tasmania, an understanding of the size of population centres within Tasmania is necessary. For example, 10 or 15 minutes is the length of time it takes to travel from the Hobart or Launceston CBD to the edge of the current residential development. Compare this with a similar trip within your own state, city or country to the edge of suburbia.

Traveling 40 minutes out of Hobart or Launceston quickly brings you to locations that are largely isolated rural areas

A further parameter that must be considered within Tasmania is its topography. Tasmania contains many areas of undulating and mountainous land with the changing climate that goes with such a range in geography. Such change in geography can mean that within half an hour of a CBD you can find yourself in country subject to snow and drought and low or high temperatures. Road networks in such areas are often of gravel formation only and services limited.

An example to better explain the above. A Queensland client decides to buy a property one hour’s travel from Hobart’s CBD. The first 50 minutes of travel is on bitumen sealed road with the remainder on gravel. There is no public transport and the only services provided are power and Telstra. There is no town water, the only supply by roof water collected in tanks or water truck. The property is elevated and therefore experiences temperatures which are 7 to 10 degrees lower than Hobart. Within 3 months of occupying the fairly modern brick home the purchasers are keen to move on due to coldness, isolation and lack of services.