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Ad Medium Filum (LTO Circular No 1/1999)

See the attached pdf file at the end of the Copyright Notice below and the following note relating to this topic. This attached page is sourced from - - was last published on 8 October 2012 by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. Questions concerning its content can be sent to Internet Coordinator by using the feedback form on their web site, by mail to GPO Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7001, or by telephone. Please read their disclaimer and copyright statements governing the information they provide on their site and copied below.


Government of Tasmania

Copyright Notice

The Tasmanian Government encourages public access to government information and provides on-line access to some government services. However, all material published on this website is protected so far as is allowed by the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 (C'th) ("the Act").

Apart from any use permitted by the Act, the State of Tasmania grants users of this site a licence (within the meaning of the Act) to download, print and otherwise reproduce the information for non-commercial purposes only.

If it is indicated on a website that specific information may be used for commercial purposes, users are licensed to the extent so expressed and subject to the condition that the copyright owner's name and interest in the information be acknowledged when the information is reproduced or quoted, either in whole or in part.

For permission to reproduce or use information on this web site beyond this limited licence, permission must be sought from the State through the relevant Agency or instrumentality of the State, as identified on the relevant web site.


This website has been developed by the State of Tasmania to provide public access to some State, Commonwealth and local government information, including text, maps and various forms of data and to information obtained from non-government sources. It also provides on-line access to some government services and transactions. All of the material published on this website is together referred to hereafter as "the information".

In those circumstances, no responsibility is accepted for the accuracy, completeness, or relevance to the user's purpose, of the information and those using it for whatever purpose are advised to verify it with the relevant Commonwealth or State government department, local government body or other source and to obtain any appropriate professional advice.

No warranty is given that the information is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination, nor that access to the website or any part of it will not suffer from interruption from time to time, without notice.

Any links to other websites that have been included on this website are provided for your convenience only. The Crown in its role as manager of this website does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy, availability, or appropriateness to the user's purposes, of any information or services on any other website.

The Crown, its officers, employees and agents do not accept liability however arising, including liability for negligence, for any loss resulting from the use of or reliance upon the information and/or reliance on its availability at any time.